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Christ-Centered Counseling for couples and individuals who are seeking freedom and emotional healing from God.

Married Couples 5 Days

For married couples seeking to find healing and resolution for the past as well as a new connection and closeness for the present. An opportunity to bring an enhanced understanding and emotional connection into the marriage relationship. A journey following Biblical guidelines to better relationships in life with fellow humans and most importantly God.


3 Days

For engaged couples, a time to explore the past and understand how it may affect the future. An opportunity to resolve and heal past pain before marriage. Teaching on how to connect emotionally heart to heart, and how to apply Bible principles to marriage. Spending time laying the foundation for a fantastic fulfillment of God's plan for marriage.

Dating Couples 1 Day

Intended for dating couples who may have questions about their relationship. A time to help them understand their individual hearts and past hurts. An opportunity to find healing and resolution so that decisions in the relationship will not be made, out of pain. Teaching on how to seek God's will in selecting a partner.

Single Boys

2-3 Days

For single boys 15 and older. Two days that will give young men an opportunity to be listened to, cared about and understood. Struggles and conflicts in life will be explored and an opportunity given to heal and resolve pain from the past. Teaching on how to develop close relationships with others, as well as a close-growing connection to God. 

Single Girls

3 Days

We offer counseling for single girls 15 years old and older. Each counseling session consists of three days of 1-hour sessions per day. During our time together we will explore the struggles of life and look at practical and Biblical ways to resolve and overcome the struggles they're facing. We will take time to listen to their story and care about the pain they've faced and lead them to Jesus in prayer to find hope, healing, and forgiveness. 

Life-Giving and Restorative Events Held In

Group Sessions, and Conferences 

Living Life From The Heart Conference

This conference is a group event, open to all, that takes us on a journey. A journey of understanding the heart that God has given us. As we seek to understand our hearts, we will take a deeper look at what our hearts were created for and how they have been hurt. As we travel this road we will continually look to our Creator, for the answers that we seek. Together we will attempt to understand the Master's plan for healing, resolution, and amazing relationships. 

Heart Encounter Groups

A group next step event for married couples that have gone through a caring for the heart program. A time of taking a deeper look into the marriage and becoming better equipped to allow God to touch the lives of others through my marriage. Life is a journey, and these are very valuable steps taken in the journey of resolution and healing within the marriage. 

Leadership & Training Conference

A 3-day event teaching practical resolution for struggles. Biblical teaching and examples of how to reach those that are hurting. This event has hands-on activities that help you understand how to create a safe place for hurting people to share their stories and how to lead them through the resolution process. Potential!y counseling sessions can take place during this event for attenders to observe live.

Group Restoration Sessions

These are for families, ministerial teams, youth groups, churches, and even prison inmates. These group events are a time of processing life at a heart level together. This is very effective in developing and enhancing relationships at a group level. Keys to these group events are the ability to achieve success in relationships for a long period of time. 

Support Group & Ministry Training

Consultation and guidance to help those in leadership positions and or those with responsibilities of providing support to those that struggle in life. This teaching gives you specific tools for your specific situation helping you become more effective as a coach or shepherd as you journey beside those that need consistent and caring encouragement. Practical, Biblical guidance on how to strengthen the church body. 

Application For Prospective Counselee

Completed applications are handled with complete confidentiality. We prayerfully consider each individual request for counseling. Applications will be considered regardless of denomination or church affiliation. We accept applications submitted at our location, by mail, fax, or email.     

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