The pitter patter of raindrops hitting the roof. Cool nights and exhilarating fresh aired days. Frost on the grass and spectacular colors adorning the leaves of trees who are changing out of their summer greenery. Orange pumpkins, corn shocks and beautiful brilliantly colored mums. Steam rising from the fresh hot cup of coffee in my hand, the scurrying of squirrels as they gather their winter supply of nuts and seeds. My heart is at peace, my world is right. Fall is in my mind, the most wonderful time of the year. As I sit on the deck breathing in the smells, hearing the sounds and seeing the beauty of fall I am at peace.
I pick up the newspaper at my side and take my eyes off the scenery while I catch up on the current news. A headline catches my eye, California wildfires Out of Control, then another, Democrats and Republicans disagree on Stimulus Bill, and another and another, they seem to go on forever. China and USA in Conflict, Europe in Crisis, Starvation in Africa, Politician poisoned in Russia, US politician found guilty, Riots Continue across the US, Unarmed jogger shot and killed. Covid 19 exploding, Mask mandate, The New Normal, Social Distancing, Schools cancel events, Pandemic Killing Small Business, Child Abduction Ring Discovered, Singing Banned in California Churches, Mega Church Fined For holding Services, Trump vs Biden who will it be? Racial Unrest Sparks Protests, Protester Shot and Killed. My mind begins to reel as I read the articles under the headlines. Our world is seemingly coming apart at the seams. As I read the bad news the beauty around me starts to fade. The soothing sounds of fall disappear into the chaotic static of life. The wonderful aroma of the season is replaced by the stench of discord and conflict. I am suddenly miserable, lost and lonely for the 2020 that should have been. Disillusioned and mourning for what we somehow lost.
Many of us are blessed to not be in the thick of the events described by those headlines. Some of us have barely been affected at all. The reality is we are all affected and if we are honest probably a little stressed. Probably we have all worried about the future. When is this virus going to go away? Is the economy going to be okay? Is the rioting going to end soon? Will life ever be normal again? Who is going to win the election? What is life going to be like for my children? Will this be the normal for my grandchildren? Are personal liberties a thing of the past? Are we going to face persecution?
I think we all could use some good news. Some positive headlines. I have some for you! There is a God! He is Alive! The Salvation of Jesus Christ is Still Available! Jesus is still at the Right Hand of the Father Interceding for Us. The Son is Still Shining! Taking Burdens to The Cross still Works! The Holy Spirit is still Convicting and Speaking to the Hearts of Men! You are Alive! All Things Work Together for Good to Them that love God! God Still loves You! God is in Control! The Church of Jesus Christ is Rising Up! The Harvest has never been more Ripe! God is Calling You! God knows Your Name! Today is the Day of the Lord! This Battle belongs to our God! No Enemy against Him shall stand! Stand Still and see the Power of Our God!
When I see these headlines, when I read the words under them, something inside me changes. The aroma and sounds of life change. Peace returns to my heart as the enjoyment of the life that God gave me returns. Its not mine its His. Jesus is the author and Finisher of Our Faith. Can we trust the Author? We know the beginning of our story and we profess to know the end. Are we willing to trust our Author with writing the middle chapters as well?
In a time of extreme stress and turmoil King David cried out to a God that seemingly had abandoned him. Maybe he had forgotten that God is always God. Nothing that happens will ever change that. When David recognized that God was still God regardless of the circumstances, this is what he said. Remember this is David’s memory of a time when he felt like God had deserted him.
The Lord is my Shepherd, He has taken care of all my wants and needs, All of them! He has brought rest to my weary soul. He makes it possible for me to not only survive but thrive. He has restored my inner most being. He leads me to His path for me so that people can seewho I am, A Child of God! God has removed my fears, with Him no enemy is to big. God is fighting my battles for me and He never loses! He is openly raising me up before those who would attack me. God has healed my wounded heart! My heart rejoices because of His love for me! I know that His love will never end! I will follow my God forever.
Could we look back on 2020 and write these words? If God is truly our Shepherd we can. Can we reset 2020? No we cannot, is God still God? Yes.
Our God is still on the Throne still in control. Jesus is still at His Right Hand interceding. We may not know what tomorrow holds, we may not know the titles to all the chapters in our story. What we do know is how the story ends! We know the Author, Hallelujah!
Reading some Amazing News Today,