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Writer's pictureHarlan Miller

Building A Foundation

What comes to mind with the word foundation? In the past year our pastor had a theme of getting back to the basics. Later in the year he started preaching in Nehemiah. The children of Israel had turned their backs on God and fallen into sin, and God let their city be destroyed. The walls were broken down and the gates were burned with fire. Nehemiah wept, mourned, fasted, and prayed before God for the people of Israel. He asked permission from the King to rebuild the walls. Facing opposition from within and without, Nehemiah vowed to rebuild the city. How would we feel to be tasked with so great a task? God may not ask of us to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, but I think He does want us to be workers in His kingdom in one way or another. So how are the walls broken down in our spiritual lives? And how do we rebuild them? As the new counselor here at Freedom Hills, I know I struggled with broken walls because of sin in my life and my hurting heart. Praise the Lord that someone took the time to listen, care for, and understand what I was going through and helping to take me to Jesus the healer. I was finally able to start giving the pain that was in that little boy’s heart to Him, confessing the sin, and forgiving those that hurt me. The song that God put in my mind on that Tuesday morning of healing was "Safe in the Arms of Jesus".

When we build a wall of a building, we need a good foundation first, so we need to dig down deep, clear out the rubbish in our lives and get a firm foundation which is Jesus Christ! You know it has been a crazy year with everything that is going on in our world, but take heart, He has overcome the world! My heart cries for all those who have lost loved ones through this, but also the division its brought in our country and even amongst us Christians. But I also cherish the time when we hit the "reset" button for a while and stayed home fora couple of months. The memories we made with the family was awesome! Let's use these trials that we are going through for His good, because we have an assurance if we are in Christ we are a new creation, the old is gone, the new is come. And we are looking forward to an eternal home not made with hands. As I join the staff here at Freedom Hills and start this new journey in life, I pray that if I get to meet you in my office, that Jesus would do what He did for me, He gave me a new heart! I can't heal you, but I have a friend that can, and His name is Jesus. He takes us with our bruises and our scars and makes us new.

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

-I Corinthians 3:11

Because He Lives,


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