Many of us would agree, we are at a beautiful time of year. Autumn. In its own way, it’s of the finest in the lineup of seasons. Probably no other season displays such vibrant color! From the bright colored leaves, the bluest skies to the crystals of frost decorating each blade of grass. Thank you Father for being the Great Artist, for allowing us to live in such a fabulous place and time. Fall is also a time of change, a sign of passing of what has been. Winter will set in next, and the earth becomes quiet and rests. Then yet another season of new beginnings is on the horizon. God promised that these seasons will never end, until Jesus comes back.
So it is with the season of our lives. Our callings, our missions, etc. Many of you are aware that this fall it’s my time to say goodbye. The season for change has come again. As you read this it’ll be 11 years ago that God called, and our season of serving here at Freedom Hills began. I’ll never forget it. Seasonal change isn’t always easy. Letting go of a home we built, the comforts of living close to relatives and the
of community was a hard choice. We had two construction businesses, some acreage and a home we sold and followed Gods call into ministry. It’s like watching that crisp orange leaf slowly drift to the forest floor. It’s kind of sad. That leaf will never blow in the breeze in the tree top again. It’s time is past. But that leaf is transformed into the most amazing fertilizer, giving life to new trees with millions of leaves blowing in the breeze for many years to come. When God moves you into a new season there’s always better things ahead than where you’ve been. That’s the way our God is, my friends.
We now find ourselves in that same spot of change again. It’s not easy. There are days when there are tears, and other days we’re excited and filled with a burning fire of passion and anticipation to be moved into another field of harvest. Thank you Jesus! Thus, "No Greater Love Missions and Ministries" was born! God asked us to continue in ministry and spread our wings. Another time of harvest, another field of souls that is ripe! God has blessed me tremendously with a vision to bring conflict resolution and healing to hurting hearts, through heart encounter groups and restorative group counseling. This can be done in families, marriages, churches, and correctional facilities. We also will continue with some one on one counseling.
As I say goodbye to the season at Freedom Hills Ministries, want to thank each and every reader from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for who you are! Thank you for being our friends! Thank you for journeying beside us the past 11 years. It’s been a fantastic time! Never in my life have I experienced so many rewards! The mountain tops also came with some deep valleys. But, oh what a time of growing and learning! Shaping and molding! We will be forever grateful! We could never be who we are today or where we are today if it wasn’t for you! Thank you for always being there. The support, encouragement, and dedication you’ve shown is indescribable. We can never thank you enough. As the baton is passed to the staff here at the ministry it’s a comfort to know they will continue to serve a community of wonderful people like you! Keep raising the banner of Jesus high above your heads!
I speak Gods blessings upon every person reading these words. Bless you as you follow Him through the seasons. I speak the richest blessings upon Freedom Hills Ministry. Upon the staff. The board. The committees. Everyone that has served in the past and will serve in the future. May God bless you like never before. In greater and bigger ways that you can imagine! May you experience His guidance and approval in a richer purer form than ever in the past. My He carry you through more valleys and rejoice with you at each summit! May He grow you to the most beautiful tree in the forest! May more lives be impacted eternally than ever! May the angels rejoice and sing praises at the many souls added to the Kingdom weekly because of you!
May we all be united in love! Hand in hand and heart to heart until the end.
Farewell and goodbye! I love you all!
