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Trusting our Unchanging God

Writer's picture: Mary HerschbergerMary Herschberger

Did you ever wonder what the future holds? On the journey of life, I think it’s a good thing that we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I am afraid life would be chaotic if we would know; it would put many of us into a spin.

Change is constant as we move through life. Everything and everyone else in life changes constantly. Relationships change, people change, landscapes change, health changes, culture changes, etc. Many times we experience joy and excitement as things change. However, some changes leave us feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed, and fearful. This can lead to worry and feelings of helplessness. Sometimes though change can be so subtle that we don’t recognize it until we look back at our past and see how far we’ve really come and we start seeing how faithful God actually was and still is today.

Often we are simply called to leave our comfort zones in order to fill the place God has for us on this earth. We feel uncomfortable and resist change and have a whole list of excuses but we know in our heart, it is probably fear of the future that keeps us trapped in a place of familiarity. With everything around us changing so rapidly and our immediate future being filled with such uncertainty, we need to find an unchanging place to put our hope in.

As Christians, we have a Saviour who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13: 8) That is why He is the only secure place man can put his faith and trust in. Christ came to earth as a man and experienced human emotions, pain, and hurt. He is now our Advocate before the Father and understands our situation. He is an unchanging source of strength for us in a constantly changing world.

It is vital for us, as Christians, to feed daily on God’s Word. His Word becomes planted within our hearts and during the time of struggle, we can draw from that source when we face discomforting changes. His Word is powerful and gives peace to the soul in the midst of chaos.

We will be faced with changes as we live and grow. We may not have control of the circumstances, but we do have control of our attitude. We may grumble and complain our way through change, or will we find comfort and joy in knowing that we serve a loving God who never changes. God is unchanging in His existence and there has never been a time when God was not. There will never be a time when He will cease to be. Psalms 102:27 says, “But You are the same, And Your years will have no end.” His nature is infinite, never evolving, never diminishing, nor improving. All that He is today, He has always been, and forever will be. He cannot change, for the better, because He is already perfect. God is completely uninfluenced by any external element. His power can never diminish and His glory will never fade. His existence never changes. Even though everything around us changes all the time, God is a God of Truth and He cannot and will not lie.

We should find extreme comfort in God’s unchanging nature. Every created thing in this life will let us down at some point in time, whether it is in our circumstances, relationships, careers, technology, our world and so forth. However unstable I or the circumstances around me are, God never changes.

The God we serve today is the exact same God we served prior to when COVID-19 entered the scene. He is the same God today as He was the day He raised Jesus from the Grave. He is the same God today as He was when He spoke the world into existence. He is the God who saves and He is the God whom you and I can place our hope in! If God never changes, then that means His love is forever. His forgiveness is forever. His salvation is forever. His promises are forever.

My friends I know change is difficult and hard… As I look back over the years, I can see how God used many difficult and hard changes in my life to grow me into who I am today. I am stronger and more confident in the Lord as a result of the hard times.

I don’t know what kind of growing pains you are experiencing right now… but there is one thing I know… You can TRUST our unchanging God to see you through whatever situation you are going through at this moment. May we continue to grow stronger in the Lord through these difficult times!

Trusting Our Unchanging God,


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