When someone looks at you, who and what do they see? Now I could stop there and let that question sink in and let you write your own article. If we are all honest, I believe who and what people see is a lot of times superficial, meaning that it is mostly on the outside and not from the heart.
I love songs, and recently I heard a powerful song that alluded to my title question. The song spoke to me and it is the reason I feel prompted to share about it in this article.
When we become a Christian, we take on the attributes and nature of Jesus through the Holy Spirit living in us. This means that we no longer want to go certain places, see certain things, etc. There is a change that takes place in us and spiritual growth helps solidify those changes. Everyone agreed?
I want to share a little about me. I grew up in a Christian home. My parents loved me and I felt cared for. I went to a Mennonite church all my life. Growing up, I never used drugs or alcohol and was not involved in a lot of things that control so many. I am not claiming perfection at all. My coming to Christ is still so clear to me. I remember one Sunday morning sitting in the balcony at church, and as we knelt for prayer, I felt a fluttering in my heart. I knew it was the Holy Spirit speaking and right there during the prayer, I asked Jesus into my heart and life. It felt like a huge tub of hot oil was poured on my head and it ran all the way to my toes! And I knew from that moment on, I was changed! What a glorious feeling, like none other. PTL! And I can truly thank Jesus from being spared from those addictions mentioned above. I knew I was far from perfect, but also felt that having the spirit of Jesus in me, I now wanted to be like Him.
Are you all remembering the song I talked about earlier? Well, I am leading up to it. Patience please.
After my salvation experience, I knew there should be more to my Christian life. But marriage, children and life in general had a way of taking over. (anyone out there nodding in agreement?) Fortunately, in 2010, my best and dearest friend on earth, AKA my husband, Kevin, asked me to do something unconventional. He asked me if I would be willing to sell pretty much everything we owned at that point and take a hike. Now, that didn’t mean he wanted to get rid of me, haha, but that we both needed to rid our lives of what was dragging us down. Things that cluttered our minds, hearts and souls and kept us from being able to discern what God’s will was for our lives. Well, this wife and mother took about 1 year to give him my answer. And yes, many of you know we did sell lots of “things” and took that hike in April of 2011. I still have the 3 ½ page letter Kevin wrote to me in 2010 with the proposal to “hike or not to hike” and I treasure reading it from time to time.
Taking that leap of faith has caused me to look at life differently. “Things” don’t matter so much, “self ” is denied, “others first”, and “having eyes like Jesus” are just of the few of the differences/ changes. Now I will be the first to admit my imperfections in these areas, but it is what I strive for. I truly believe God has blessed me for that!
In Philippians 2: 1-5, Paul reminds us that we have blessings as Christians and we should want to share those blessings with other believers. Paul mentored Timothy to the “Crown of Righteousness”. Is someone following you? And now back to my question in the beginning. Who do people see? (when they look at you and hear you) Remember, when we became a Christian, we automatically received the attributes of Jesus. This song I want to share, is a beautiful reminder of those attributes our Savior wants us to have, especially in the days we are living and things we are experiencing. The title is “Less Like Me” by Zach Williams.
-Jesus, may people see You when they look at me
-Humbly serving my Jesus,
"Less Like Me" by: Zack Williams
Oh I have days I lose the fight
Try my best but just don’t get it right
Well I talk a talk that I don’t walk
And miss the moments right before my eyes
Somebody with a hurt that I could have helped
Somebody with a hand that I could have held
When I just can’t see past myself
Oh Lord help me be
A little more like mercy
A little more like grace
A little more like kindness, goodness, love and faith
A little more like patience
A little more like peace
A little more like Jesus
A little less like me
Yeah, there’s no denying I have changed
I’ve been changed from who I used to be
But even at my best I must confess
I need help to see the way you see
O to feed the beggar on the street
Love to be your hands and feet
Freely give what I receive
Lord help me be
I want a friendship first above all else
Love my neighbor as myself
In the moments no one sees
Lord help me be
A little more like mercy
A little more like grace
A little more like kindness, goodness, love and faith
A little more like patience
A little more like peace
A little more like Jesus
A little less like me
A little more living
Everything I preach
A little more like Jesus
A little less like me