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You are Invited

Writer's picture: Mary HerschbergerMary Herschberger

Maybe you feel like you are in a season that feels like a whirlwind right now. If you do, I can identify with you! I know what it’s like when you feel like you’re about to drown in the midst of a difficult season that you’re going through.

Life is just happening, and there’s a constant bombardment of chaos and loss and busyness. Maybe you feel like you’re being pressed in on all sides, like the battle is raging and the deceiver is lying and you’re not sure how you can keep your head above the water much longer.

Maybe you have felt like you are forgotten, forsaken, not needed and unwanted, like you’re overlooked, misunderstood, and never enough. Maybe you just want to give up, maybe you don’t know where to turn to, maybe you think you have it all together or you might be feeling burnt out and fed up, you may be feeling lost and all alone, and don’t know where and how to start and this might be feeling like the end for you and by now there may be tears running in rivers down your cheeks…it’s okay… No matter what is going on around you, no matter how you feel, no matter what deep sunless valley you’re walking through…There’s Someone greater and more powerful, and more life changing than you realize right now.

There’s a table prepared before you by your Shepherd, the One who feeds, guides and shields you. The One in whom you lack absolutely nothing. This same Shepherd, who brings you to places of rest and beauty, refreshing and restoring your life. He’s the One who leads you in the path of righteousness- solely because of who He is, not because of who you are or anything you have earned. There’s a table spread out right in the midst of what you’re going through, in the center of the attacks on every side, it’s not just waiting for you on the other side. It’s Right here- Right now- Right where you are- Right on time. Jesus is saying, “You’re invited. It’s here just for you. There’s nothing to fear, my perfect love casts that out. Come. Sit. Be with me and rest."

When we partake of what He’s prepared for us in the midst of what we are walking through, he anoints our head with oil. The Lord anoints us, His children, with the Holy Spirit. It is here that we are filled to overflowing. It is here that the essence of what holds it all together is full, satisfied, and is lacking nothing.

So dear ones, hear His invitation today and know that not only are you invited, but you are sought out. See the table spread before you placed right where you are by your Shepherd, who has everything you need. Come. Sit. Receive.

The FULLNESS of what He has for you is here to help you run your race through this valley, refreshed, free, and in heavenly fellowship with Him.

Nothing can separate you from His love. When you feel surrounded on every side, overwhelmed and unable to keep going, He’s right there with you and His goodness and mercy and unfailing love are recklessly pursuing you all the days of your life.

This is where everything changes… When we grasp that His presence, His house, His table, His grace can be where we dwell for the length of our days. No matter the season, no matter the storm, no matter the valley, right here in His presence is where we can and will remain.

In His presence is fullness of Joy. Even though we may walk through the valley of shadow of death join me in fearing no evil because He promised to be there with us.

Keep trusting the One who cares about the whirlwind and the busyness of this holiday season!

With love,

Mary Herschberger

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"Thank you so much for your kindness & welcoming spirits when we were at the ministry! Before heading to FHM, my husband and I had been praying for God to unite us, but neither of us knew how that would happen. It was truly a miracle that God answered that answered that prayer. God has filled us both with His love, and we are now able to pour that out on each other and the people around us. We serve a mighty God who is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can ask or desire."

“We cannot put into words how much we appreciate you for helping us out. We didn’t realize how much we were missing in our married life. It's like living in a different world. We have a love for each other we can’t put into words. Our children are happier than before. With God’s help we can go on like this, and our love keeps on growing! Thank you for your help!”

"Thank you for fulfilling the ministry of healing & freedom that God has called you to in Jesus. Your blend of Hospitality and allowing us privacy as a couple was just what we needed for the week. Thank you to our counselor for your patient, kind, & insightful work with us as a couple! I feel we are leaving much stronger as a couple!"

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